Friday, December 01, 2006

December 1, 2006

An exterior light was added.

More lights were added for Christmas.

Monday, November 13, 2006

November 13, 2006

Here are the latest pictures after cleaning up the area.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

November 8, 2006

The county inspector performed the final inspection for the electrical service and the structure. It passed.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November 1, 2006

All the trim at the corners, windows, and fascia were painted on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.

Here is a rear view with trim painting completed. The trim required two coats but the siding used only one coat because it was previously primed with a tint close to the final color.

My wife painted most of the siding during the day and I finished the rest by Wednesday evening. We are looking at other finishing touches for the exterior like an exterior sconce by the front door and landscape rocks.

October 30, 2006

The beginning of the week was abnormally warm so my wife and I decided to finish painting the shed. The weather reports indicated that we should have warm weather for the next three days. Plus with daylight savings time, I have light earlier in the morning. I caukled at 6:30 AM before going to work and again after work until dark.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

October 26, 2006

A county inspector returned for the close-in electrical inspection. It passed. The next inspection will be the final for the building and the electrical.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

October 21, 2006

The door lock and handles were installed plus some finishing trim was added to the door.

Electricity enters the shed at an opening on the left and connected to a 20 Amp GFCI receptacle. The other blue cable just above is the Cat 5e network cable.

More electrical work was performed to prepare for the next electrical inspection. Holes were drilled into the studs to run 12 gauge/3 wire NM electrical cable. The one wall switch in the junction box controls power to a ceiling junction box. The junction box hanging on the cable will be for an exterior light. Junction boxes were also mounted for receptacles throughout the shed.

The junction box between the ceiling joists is for a ceiling fan. The light is temporary.

October 20, 2006

The county performed two inspections today. The shed was approved for the framing but rejected for the close-in electrical. I was not sure what was needed for the electrical at this point. Now I know what the want.

Monday, October 09, 2006

October 9, 2006

I have taken a short break from working on the shed. Too many other things have been delayed. On Saturday I cleaned up all the debris on the inside in preparation for a framing inspection which will include an electrical close-in inspection.

I was able to play some golf with my son on this Columbus Day Holiday. Earlier in the day, I did more clean-up and connected electricity inside the shed. A lot more electrical work is needed.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

September 23, 2006

We measured, cut, and installed 1x4 trim board at all corners.

Finishing the door installation is where we spent the most of our remaining time today. An installation flange (gray) was inserted into a track on three sides of the door.

A gap below the treshold needed to be filled with concrete. Screws were placed into the holes at the threshold and would be set in place with the concrete. We installed wood forms around the threshold to hold back the concrete mix.

The concrete was prepared in a pan and poured into an area dug out in front of the door.

The concrete was set sloped down so that rain water would drain away from the door.

Caulking and painting are next.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

September 17, 2006

I was able to complete the priming during the week for all the new siding added from last Sunday. Unfortunately I had a another funeral to attend on Saturday so we again worked on Sunday. We setup the work area for another long day.

We were able to get even closer to finishing the exterior today by completing all the soffit work.

Flashing tape was installed around all the windows. It helps seal out moisture and restricts air infiltration.

Caulk was applied around the upper windows, along the siding, and any trim pieces showing gaps. 1x4 fascia board was installed around the windows.

One more Saturday to add the fascia board at the corners and around the door. Plus a little concrete work to add support to the door threshold.

Here is the view on the other side. I will have to buy more fascia board during the week.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

September 10, 2006

I had to attend a funeral on Saturday so I rescheduled the carpenter for Sunday. We accomplished quite a bit of work with additional help from a neighbor. We foresee the end coming soon. We re-installed the two upper windows because it needed the Tyvek wrap and T1-11 siding. (These windows were previously placed temporarily just to see how it would look.) Also notice the flashing added between the siding and the roof shingles.

We completed the T1-11 siding at front. It will be primed very soon. The soffits still need to be finished.

We installed two more windows on another wall and completed the Z-flashing at the bottom of the T1-11 siding. Caulk will be applied between the concrete pad and the Z-flashing to complete the seal at the bottom.

The French Double Door was a three-person job to install.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

September 2, 2006

I did more painting of the siding last Thursday night before the rain arrived Friday morning. We had remnants of Tropical Storm Ernesto moving up the East coast. It was too wet to work on Saturday.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

August 29, 2006

My son and I applied primer to all but one wall before dark. The primer has about half the tint of the final color which will save of us from having to apply two coats of the basic white primer.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

August 26, 2006

We began work on another beautiful Saturday at 8:00 AM. My carpenter and another friend started work on the soffits. I finished the Tyvek wrap on the gable walls. (Notice that the shingles on the rear side still need to be trimmed.) I also finished installing the T1-11 siding with framing nails. They were spaced about 12 inches apart along each stud. My carpenter's rechargeable neumatic nailing gun made it go very fast.

This view shows more soffit work plus the T1-11 siding installation. We installed Z-flashing between the top and bottom sheets of T1-11 siding.

We used all 16 sheets of T1-11 and will need to purchase one more sheet to complete the exterior. We were also able to install two windows.

Z-flashing was installed between the bottom edge of the T1-11 siding and the bottom plate. The T1-11 had to be trimmed to enable nailing the Z-flashing.

The remaining exterior work to complete: install the French Double Door, install two more windows on opposite wall, trim shingles, prime and paint the siding and trim, install corner trim, finish soffits, install remaining Z-flashing to siding, and install Tyvek wrap and siding onto upper wall.

August 24, 2006

I left work early today to work on the shed. The weather this week has been spectacular. I hate to lose valuable daylight hours doing office work.

My wife and I installed the T1-11 siding on the other two walls in preparation for the work on Saturday. Each sheet of T1-11 siding was installed with only 3 or 4 nails in case they have to be adjusted. We will do the final nailing on Saturday.

Monday, August 21, 2006

August 19, 2006

My carpenter arrived on time as usual, but he could only work a half-day. We applied the Tyvek on two walls and thought we could also install the windows. We discovered the windows would look much better after the siding is installed. I plan to have wood trim around all the windows. If the windows are installed before the siding, they will be countersunk into the siding, leaving no edge for the wood trim.

We partially nailed up the siding to the studs on two sides. Z-flashing and caulk will be applied at the bottom of the siding to keep out those pesky termites. I will finish nailing the siding and installing the Z-flashing later. My carpenter had to leave at this point.

My wife decided to help me for the remainder of the day. We were only able to install the Tyvek on the remaining two walls. The gables will also need Tyvek, but that's for another day.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

August 12, 2006

Yesterday afternoon, I obtained the electrical permit. It was a lot faster than I expected. The best time to get permits I have learned is in the morning at opening and 30 minutes before closing.

We started work on the other half of the roof. The waterproof membrane was applied underneath the roofing felt. We had help from a friend from my old neighborhood. He saved us a lot of time in moving shingles up to the roof.

We finally completed the roof and used all eleven bundles of shingles with only six sheets of shingles remaining. I just have some minor work trimming shingles on the rear which you cannot see. We even installed two windows at the top. The next steps are to: install the remaining windows; install the soffits; install the siding; and finally install the French Double Door. The interior will be the next challenge. My wife has already started thinking about how it should look.

Friday, August 11, 2006

August 5, 2006

I was not able to work on the shed today since I took my family on a small vacation over the weekend. My carpenter installed the shingles on one half of the roof by himself. All I did was move eight bundles of shingles from my garage to the shed previously during the week. It felt good getting them out of the garage after three years in storage.

Monday, July 31, 2006

July 30, 2006

Drip edge is installed.

Waterproof membrane is placed over roof sheathing along eaves and gable.

Felt paper (# 30) is placed over the waterproof membrane.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

July 29, 2006

This was a grueling day. Everything seemed to take longer than expected. The plan for today was to get the roof finished. My carpenter was skeptical that we would get that done. He was right. This was a lot more work than both of us expected. We did complete the installation of the roof sheathing, but the fascia board was the most critical and time consuming. The plans had no details on the fascia board. I'm glad I had a carpenter. He determined a method using 1x12 fascia board.

The fascia board at the eaves were made from 1x12 planks.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

July 22, 2006

The morning started with sporadic rain showers so I already figured it would be a short work day. I could immediately tell when my carpenter called hoping to get the word from me to postpone finishing the roof until next Saturday. I told him not to come over today.

A friend came over to help me work on some small items. We partially removed the tarp from the
roof in the work area. We trimmed ceiling joists and installed all of the hurricane anchors in preparation for the roof sheathing. The hurricane anchors attach to the rafters and top plate to keep the roof from blowing off in a storm. They are mandatory in some parts of the country but in my case they are optional. We learned the differences between the hurricane anchors. My carpenter ordered two types which were mirrored versions depending on which side of the rafter they are installed. They have to be installed properly especially when mounted from inside of the shed. We learned they can interfere with the installation of drywall in the future.

I finished the day by reviewing materials needed for next Saturday. I discovered a shortage of 1x8 soffit board and drip edge. My wife also passed on an article to me on protecting the roof. It recommended using a waterproof membrane to protect the roof against water penetration. It's applied before the roofing felt. Another item to buy.

Toward the end of the day we had wind and rain which blew off part of the tarp. I forgot to tie-down the tarp with rope. Fortunately I purchased a tarp with grommets along the edge. My son and I were soaked after making the fix.

Monday, July 17, 2006

July 16, 2006

I purchased a weatherproof tarp and rope today. My wife and son helped me place it over the unfinished roof. The rain is very unpredictable. Some days its sunny and other days we have violent thunder storms. The tarp will provide protection until we can finish the roof.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

July 15, 2006

We added subfascia to compensate for any uneveness at the end of the rafters. This must be done before the roof is installed.

I build the gable overhangs which will be nailed onto the front rafters at the gable walls.

The gable overhangs are installed at the front (as shown) and in the rear. We are stopped briefly due to rain but continue on when the sun returns.

We are finally able to apply the roof sheathing. This side is a steep 40 degrees and will be arduous when the felt and shingles are installed. The other side is a little better at 26 degrees.

We are exhausted and do not finish the roof. We could get rain before next Saturday so we may work on the roof during the week. I may have to find a tarp to keep it dry as an alternative.